Journal of Information Architecture

FALL 2012, VOL 4 ISS 2 — Revolutions

Discipline and Resolution


The budding relationship between research and practice is a healthy and necessary one. The need goes beyond the desirable tangibles we are already seeing, such as improved curricula, increased salaries, and growing demand for information architects in both teaching and applied roles. This relationship must happen; it is right that it happen.

Pp. 1–4 — doi:10.55135/1015060901/122.007/1.026

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Sense-making in Cross-channel Design

Successful cross-channel user experiences rely upon a strong informational layer that creates understanding amongst users of a service. This pervasive information layer helps users form conceptual models about how the overall experience works (irrespective of the channel in which they reside). This paper explores the early development of a practical framework for the creation of meaningful cross-channel information architectures or “architectures of meaning”. We explore the strategic roles that individual channels can play as well as the different factors that can degrade a user‘s understanding within a cross-channel user experience.

Pp. 5–30 — doi:10.55135/1015060901/122.007/2.027

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The Role of Information Architecture in Context-Aware Adaptive Systems

Information architecture and context-aware adaptive systems are two converging fields. Specific points of convergence include balancing immediate use with awareness, tackling choice overload and promoting discovery, and dealing with the increasing complexity of user context. The role of information architecture can be to apply a holistic view of systems, users, and context, thereby promoting awareness and discovery over of specific task efficiency measures.

Pp. 31–42 — doi:10.55135/1015060901/122.007/3.028

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Information Architecture, Information Overload, and the Literacies

The complexities of the current information environment require complex and broad forms of literacies that are not restricted to any particular technology and foster understanding, meaning and context. Different literacies depend on their varying social contexts and are influenced by the varying social conditions of reading and writing.

Pp. 43–60 — doi:10.55135/1015060901/122.007/4.029

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Information Architecture in Contemporary Television Series

The purpose of this paper is to apply some of the principles of information architecture to a disciplinary sector that is adjacent but has not traditionally considered this kind of approach. Basically, what we suggest in the paper, is the need to adopt a wider vision of information architecture, considering it as the design of every shared information environment. Therefore, in our paper, we propose to apply information architecture principles to the media field, also trying a synthesis with principles and topics that come from other study fields (such as semiotics, media studies etc.) and that are traditionally associated to TV series, demonstrating relevant intersections point.

Pp. 61–77 — doi:10.55135/1015060901/122.007/5.030

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