The Journal of Information Architecture is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal bridging academia and practice.
Its aim is to facilitate the systematic development of the scientific body of knowledge in the field of information architecture.
The current issue is Fall 2022, Issue 2 Volume 7 and submissions are open for upcoming issues.
Fall 2022 — Volume 7 Issue 2, Resonances

People interact in and with environments. Information in the environment influences how we perceive places and informs what we understand we can and cannot do. For most of our history, the environments we have interacted in were strictly physical. But starting in the 20th Century, we have also started interacting in and with digital environments. We use environmental information to build internal models that allow us to act skillfully toward accomplishing our goals.
These internal models are easier to develop if the environment is organized in understandable ways. By studying the design of physical environments, designers can produce digital environments that are easier to understand and navigate. This article offers insights from a specific physical environment: Disneyland Park in Anaheim, California.
Archives — Andrew Hinton’s The Machineries of Context

The article reframes Information Architecture as designing context in the digital layer, contending that IA has always been less about organizing information than about designing architecture for a new kind of contextual space. It explores how a global network of user-created hyperlinks has changed how we experience context, and how IA practice emerged to contend with this change. In addition, the essay proposes that IA study and practice develop tools and methods that improve our understanding and methods for solving the increasingly complex design challenges brought about by this new contextual reality